Productivity tip of the day: take advantage of keyboard shortcuts on your iPhone and never type your email address again!
The iPhone OS allows you to set custom keyboard shortcuts. Your email address is an absolute no-brainer for this option, although you can set them for any frequently used word or phrase. In this example, I'll use "#portsbkfstclub," since that's something I type frequently and have to check each time to make sure I've spelled it correctly.
- Go to your iPhones Settings > General > Keyboard. Under Shortcuts, you'll probably see a few defaults such as "omw" = "on my way" that the iPhone comes preinstalled with.
- Add a new Shortcut with the "+" link.
- Enter first the full word or phrase you want to never type again, then the keyboard shortcut. (I suggest using a combination of letters that it's unlikely you'd regularly type. For example, if you us "to" as a shortcut for "tomorrow," every time you type the word "to," tomorrow will appear in its place.)
- Save & done!
Adding your email alone turns approximately 10-15 seconds into 1.5 seconds each time you're asked to type in your email. That's a pretty significant time saver (math says that's a 1000% productivity increase)!
Things you might want to Shortcut are:
- your email address
- frequently typed hashtags
- your business name
- an elaborate or cumbersome emoticon (such as mine under "hh" above)
- frequently typed URL
- your phone number (or biz phone number)
- your fax number (haha! j/k.)
What do you use Shortcuts for?